Vineyard Development, Napa County and Sonoma County Services

Vineyard Soil Testing

Soil Testing & Amendment

Ground Preparation

Ground Preparation

Vineyard Layout

Vineyard Layout

Vineyard Irrigation System

Underground Irrigation Systems

Trellis System Design

Trellis System Design

End Post Installation

End Post Installation

Above Ground Irrigation

Above Ground Irrigation

Plant and Carton Installation

Plant & Carton Installation

We Specialize in Vineyard Development Services To Prep Your Acreage For First-Rate Production

Ground Preparation. We can help prepare raw land, including tree and brush removal, grading, site layout and cultivation. In the case of existing but exhausted vineyards, we can conduct vineyard demolition and clear the way for new planting. Ripping

Soil Testing and Amendment.Soil can vary widely from site to site in Napa County and Sonoma County, so it’s important that it be properly treated so your desired varietal of grape can thrive on your land. We test soil and apply soil amendments (e.g. compost) as needed to optimize it for growing grapes.

Vineyard Layout & Design. Designing how to lay out your vineyard can make a significant difference in everything from drainage to vehicular access. It can also affect your yield, since the path of the sun should be taken into account when determining row layout so your plants intercept the maximum amount of sunlight. We take all this into consideration and develop a plan to optimize your particular vineyard site.

Underground Irrigation: Digging with special equipment, we excavate the ground and install necessary pipes and set up an automatic irrigation system.

Trellis Installation. Once your rows are planned, we can order, transport and install the vine training system most suitable for your grapes. Installations are always performed with care by a professional.

End Post Installation. Our end-post driving machine helps us quickly install the posts for your seedling locations

Above-Ground Irrigation. We can customize a drip irrigation system to deliver the proper water supply to your vines and install the required tubing.

Planting. We provide complete planting service, from digging holes, planting and tying vines until carton/tube installation and cleaning the job site. This is the last step in order to develop a new vineyard. We leave you vineyard ready to grow in high Northern Californian’s Standards.

If you wish your new vineyard to have the maximum high quality yield production, please check out our other services like Vineyard Maintenance and Grafting (on our Other Vineyard Labor Services page).

Have questions? Contact us!